Did I learn anything in this class this semester? Well, of course I did. There shouldn't be anyone that didn't learn anything. I would have to say that the most important thing that I have learned is to ALWAYS save my work to my flash drive in case of an unfortunate event like your computer crashing. Lots of people don't think that their computer will crash and get so caught up in what they are doing that they don't save along the way. I am here to tell you that it can happen and it did happen to me. I can laugh about it now but it wasn't funny at the time.
I have learned things about Microsoft Word that I did not know and I have been able to use things that I have learned in this class in other classes. I have learned to save pictures from the internet to my flash drive and then insert them into documents or presentations. Sounds simple but before this class, I only knew how to copy and paste and sometimes that doesn't work. I also learned how to edit hyperlinks which also seems simple now but not if you have no idea where to start.
The first go around with Excel, I have to admit, I was lost but the second go around I was able to understand and learn more. I do have more to learn about Excel but I believe, with practice, I will get it.
My power point presentation at the beginning of the semester was just a simple version of a presentation. I had completed presentations in the past for other courses. I actually learned a lot about power point by completing the end of the semester assignment. I learned that there are so many tools that can be used in a presentation, the biggest thing to learn about power point is knowing where to find what you are looking for.
Before this semester, the only time I saw the word "blog" was on myspace. I had never created a blog or made a blog post or even read a blog. I have learned that blogs are widely used. Professors, Instructors, Teachers, Parents Schools, students of all ages, etc. have been exposed to blogs. You can even find blogs on different subjects and topics of interest.
As far as podcasts, they are interesting. I listened to podcasts this semester where the different people were all in different states. Lessons can be presented by a number of speakers without them having to meet in any particular place.
I knew befor this semester that technology has advanced and continues to advance dramatically but just exactly how dramatically wasn't apparent to me before this course.
I honestly can not think of anything that I would have liked to learn in this class but didn't. I learned a whole lot, I just hope I can remember it all. i do beleive that the best way for me to learn anything in this class was most definitely by doing it.
We covered so much this semester in this course, I don't know how anything else could possibly be added. I can't think of anything that should be added. The things that we did cover were the "basics" and with anything you can also go more in depth but I beleive by learning how to get started, learning the details will come with practice.