The Alabama Learning Exchange, also known as ALEX can be found at
ALEX. This is a teacher resource site. It has many helpful resources for the Alabama school teacher, grade K-12. You can find any course of study, weblinks for teacher, adminstrator, or student. There are lesson plans available and you can also set up an account where you can create your own personal workspace. There are resources for professional learning and also distance learning info. If you have any trouble, there is a help tab.
Under the Course of Study tab there is a search feature to access courses by grade, level, and keyword. The courses of study with available resources are: English Language Arts, Math, Arts, Career tech, Driver and Traffic Safety, Health, Scinence, Social Studies, Foreign Language, P.E., and Technology Ed. There are resources on this site for any type of teacher. There are all subjects for elementary school teachers like me and specific subjects for secondary ed. teachers as well as p.e. and foreign language.
If you were to click on one of the course of studies, for example, "English Language Arts," You would see that you could select from K-12. You would then find guidelnes of what to do for your students and how to approach getting these things done. I selected Kindergarten to find out what was expected in the Language Arts area for that age. Some examples from the list were to, "exibit awareness of concept of story." In order to do this, one thing that is suggested is to, "associate written words with a story. " These different guidlines are outlined with suggestions.
The "Lesson Plan" link can be used to create your own personal lesson plans, or you can find an ALEX lesson plan by author, title, school, or by subject. By setting up an account, you can creat your own personal workplace where you can store and submit lesson plans and web pages.
Under the "Professional Learning" link you can find site on professional develpment opportunities, teaching, learning tools, news, and practices. You can also visit pages to find educator resources for proffesional growth and communication. For anyone interested in distance learning, this info can also be found on the ALEX website.
If help is needed doing anything on this site, help can be found under the help tab. You can find help setting up your ALEX account, and how to create and submit lesson plans. From exploring this site, I believe it will be a very helpful resource tool when I begin teaching. Everything was very simple to find and explore through and get back to. No matter the grade or the course of study, this site is loaded with resources and so easy to use.